For decades we've known that less than 2% of the human genome consists of exons and that protein encoding genes represent more than 20% of the genome. (Introns account for the difference between exons and genes.) [What's in Your Genome?]. There are about 20,500 protein-encoding genes in our genome and about 4,000 genes that encode functional RNAs for a total of about 25,000 genes [Humans Have Only 20,500 Protein-Encoding Genes]. That's a little less than the number predicted by knowledgeable scientists over four decades ago [False History and the Number of Genes]. The definition of "gene" is somewhat open-ended but, at the very least, a gene has to have a function [Must a Gene Have a Function?].
We've known about all kinds of noncoding DNA that's functional, including origins of replication, centromeres, genes for functional RNAs, telomeres, and regulatory DNA. Together these functional parts of the genome make up almost 10% of the total. (Most of the DNA giving rise to introns is junk in the sense that it is not serving any function.) The idea that all noncoding DNA is junk is a myth propagated by scientists (and journalists) who don't know their history.
We've known about the genetic load argument since 1968 and we've known about the C-Value "Paradox" and it's consequences since the early 1970's. We've known about pseudogenes and we've known that almost 50% of our genome is littered with dead transposons and bits of transposons. We've known that about 3% of our genome consists of highly repetitive DNA that is not transcribed or expressed in any way. Most of this DNA is functional and a lot of it is not included in the sequenced human genome [How Much of Our Genome Is Sequenced?]. All of this evidence indicates that most of our genome is junk. This conclusion is consistent with what we know about evolution and it's consistent with what we know about genome sizes and the C-Value "Paradox." It also helps us understand why there's no correlation between genome size and complexity.
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