Remember Chris Mooney?

Chris Mooney has achieved some remarkable goals in the past ten years or so. He's an atheist accommodationist who doesn't understand atheism or accommodation. He's a science journalist who doesn't understand science or the important elements of science journalism (it's all about spin framing). He's a supporter of evolution but he's only interested in American politics—he doesn't actually understand evolution.

Nisbet & Mooney Reveal Their True Colors
Matthew Nisbet and Chris Mooney Video on Framing Science
Changing Minds Through Science Communication
For Once, Chris Mooney Talks Sense
The Future of Science Journalism
Science Journalism in Decline
Some scientists are astrologers, therefore science and astrology are compatible
Chris Mooney Changed His Mind
The Doctrine of Joint Belief
Chris Mooney and Sheril Kirshenbaum in Newsweek
Boring ....
The Difference between Truth and Framing
Chris Mooney vs Atheists: Part XXXIV
Chris Mooney Asks a Hard Question
The Great Accommodationist Dud

Chris is about to publish a new book called The Republican Brain: The Science of Why They Deny Science--and Reality. Like most professional writers he knows that he has to hype the book in order to get people to buy it so he's started the campaign with an article on HuffPost under their new "Science" category [Want to Understand Republicans? First Understand Evolution].

The main theme is that Republicans are genetically different from Democrats and that difference is due to evolution. No, I'm not kidding ....

Jerry Coyne says "huh?" [Chris Mooney, evolution, and politics]. Get on over to Coyne's blog website and join the fun.1 Can Mooney, the science journalist, screw up evolution? ... let's count the ways.

1. What would we do for fun if we didn't have Chris Mooney? We'd have to pick of the creationists all the time and thatgets boring.
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