Carnival of Evolution #44

This month's Carnival of Evolution (44th version) is hosted by The Atavism, a blog written by David Winter, a PhD student in evolutionary genetics [Proceedings of the 44th Carnival of Evolution].
Welcome to the 44th monthly meeting of the Society for the Blogging of Evolution. As you can see below, we had a large number of submissions this month and, in order to have only a single track of talks and get people to the banquet with sufficient energy to enjoy themselves, some submissions have been included in a poster session following the last of the talks. Submissions were grouped purely on their subject material, and a submission included in the poster-session shouldn't be viewed as inferior to any featured as a talk.

I hope you enjoy a day's worth of reading, and remind you that a host is still required for next month's meeting. Sign up with Bjørn (bjorn[at] if you are interesting in helping out.

The next Carnival of Evolution (March) needs a host. Contact Bjørn Østman at Carnival of Evolution if you want to volunteer. Meanwhile, you can submit your articles for next month's carnival at Carnival of Evolution.

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