What's in Your Genome?

The total size of the human genome is estimated to be 3.2 × 109 bp [How Big Is the Human Genome?]. Here are the major components.

Transposable Elements: (44% junk)

      DNA transposons:
         active (functional): <0.1%
         defective (nonfunctional): 3%
         active (functional): <0.1%
         defective transposons
            (full-length, nonfunctional): 8%
            L1 LINES (fragments, nonfunctional): 16%
            other LINES: 4%
            SINES (small pseudogene fragments): 13%
            co-opted transposons/fragments: <0.1% a
aCo-opted transposons and transposon fragments are those that have secondarily acquired a new function.
Viruses (9% junk)

      DNA viruses
         active (functional): <0.1%
         defective DNA viruses: ~1%
      RNA viruses
         active (functional): <0.1%
         defective (nonfunctional): 8%
         co-opted RNA viruses: <0.1% b
bCo-opted RNA viruses are defective integrated virus genomes that have secondarily acquired a new function.
Pseudogenes (1.2% junk)
      (from protein-encoding genes): 1.2% junk
      co-opted pseudogenes: <0.1% c
cCo-opted pseudogenes are formerly defective pseudogenes those that have secondarily acquired a new function.
Ribosomal RNA genes:
      essential 0.22%
      junk 0.19%

Other RNA encoding genes
      tRNA genes: <0.1% (essential)
      known small RNA genes: <0.1% (essential)
      putative regulatory RNAs: ~2% (essential)

Protein-encoding genes: (9.6% junk)
      transcribed region:   
            essential 1.8%   
            intron junk (not included above) 9.6% d
dIntrons sequences account for about 30% of the genome. Most of these sequences qualify as junk but they are littered with defective transposable elements that are already included in the calculation of junk DNA.
Regulatory sequences:
      essential 0.6%

Origins of DNA replication
      <0.1% (essential)

Scaffold attachment regions (SARS)
      <0.1% (essential)

Highly Repetitive DNA (1% junk)
      α-satellite DNA (centromeres)
            essential 2.0%
            non-essential 1.0%%
            essential (less than 1000 kb, insignificant)

Intergenic DNA (not included above)
      conserved 2% (essential)
      non-conserved 26.3% (unknown but probably junk)


& Junk DNA
Total Essential/Functional (so far) = 8.7%
Total Junk (so far) = 65%
Unknown (probably mostly junk) = 26.3%
For references and further information click on the "Genomes & Junk DNA" link in the box

LAST UPDATES: May 10, 2011 (fixed totals, and ribosomal RNA calculations)
June 3, 2011 (added total genome size)

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